Adho Mukha Svanasana -
Downward Facing Dog
an energizing and refreshing pose; develops great strength and
freedom of movement in the upper body |
Dhanurasana - Bow Pose
strengthens the back and opens the chest,
heart and lungs |
Salamba Sarvangasana -
Supported Shoulderstand
improves circulation and blood supply
to the brain; stimulates brain power, mental function; improves memory
and concentration |
Ustrasana - Camel Pose
expands the chest, heart and lungs;
stimulates the thyroid gland; opens the groin; tones the thighs,
abdomen, neck and back; promotes deep breathing |
Virabhadrasana -
Warrior II
harnesses energy and strength; tones
and strengthens the thighs; enhances the flexibility of the legs |
Setu Bandha
Sarvangasana - Bridge Pose
stimulates the spine and glands in the
neck; strengthens legs; opens the chest; develops flexibility and
strength in the abdomen and pelvic muscles |
Matsyasana - Fish Pose
strengthens the spine, neck, chest and
respiratory system; an ideal counterpose to Sarvangasana (shoulderstand) |
Ardha Chandrasana - Crescent Moon
opens and expands the chest; builds
strength in the upper and lower back, thighs and abdominal muscles |
Halasana - Plough Pose
stimulates the thyroid gland; restful
for the heart; stretches the upper back and neck; relieves bloating,
tension and insomnia |
- Cobra Pose
the digestive, respiratory and nervous systems; develops strength and
flexibility in the upper spine; is refreshing and invigorating |
Balasana - Child's
decompresses the spine and soothes the back and heart; restful for the
head, face and eyes; promotes calming, steadying and grounding |
Savasana - Corpse Pose
the body to relax; relieves fatigue and tension; centers the mind,