Welcome to My HomeMy From Nana With Love website was designed many years ago, long before online shopping was an everyday occurrence. Since things have changed so dramatically over the years, I finally decided to redesign the shopping experience' on my website to better meet my current lifestyle, which has also changed significantly. Crafting and making personal gifts has always been something I've enjoyed and the positive response I've received over the years from others has been both unexpected and very rewarding. Basically I decided to make my crafts available to others in response to many requests from family and friends. I've been extremely blessed and am very grateful for the feedback I've received over the years from my website. The main change on the website is that I cannot offer traditional online shopping but will be happy to make a special gift by ordering directly from me via email. Payments will be accepted through PayPal or Venmo so there will be no concern regarding security or privacy. I understand this may not meet the needs of many who prefer to do the typical click and ship type online shopping but this website has always been a fun experience and I've decided to make this change so that it continues to be fun for me.
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